Aug 8

We’ve recently found out that just over 400,000 Catholics in Australia go to Mass regularly on Sundays. Why has this number dropped so much since 1996? Should we be worried? And if so, why aren’t we more worried?

In this presentation, Dr Philippa Martyr will share the data she’s collected on the Church in Australia and the picture it paints of our possible future. What will it be like to be a Catholic in Australia by 2050 (25 years away)? What will this mean for the younger Catholics who will inherit it all? What should we be doing now to ensure that there is a future for the Church here?

Come to this thought provoking presentation, and bring your best and brightest solutions for the Q & A!

Tickets include a meal (Chicken Parmigiana or Fish and Chips served alternate drop). Drinks can be purchased from the bar. For catering purposes meal tickets must be purchased before 24th September.
Speakers Forum Including Dinner – $37.00
Talk Only (Book Online)- $8.00
Talk Only (At the Door)- $10.00



Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024
Doors open 6pm; talk starts at 7pm
The Raffles Hotel in the Riverside Room
Dr Philippa Martyr
